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11/10/19- Coordinates

Forrest Larkson

Updated: Dec 3, 2019

A Ghost trailing my best friend

Ghost joke: What does one ghost say to another ghost at night?

Answer: Good morning! It's time to partay!!

Hinkly's thoughts for the day: The only reason I am helping stop this apocalypse, is because Forrest is my best friend. I'd do anything for her. Why? None of your business.

Tips on how to become friends with a ghost #2- Be lucky and show up in a forest when another ghost your age is around.

This morning, I woke up to go meet my friend outside, when it was still dark. On Sundays she gets up at the crack of dawn to go to work. Well, when I went out I saw this ghost following her, in fact, I've seen a lot of ghosts following a lot of people recently.

Later on, I went out into the woods to one of the most known hot spots and hid myself up in some trees to listen to passing ghost conversations, and to hopefully get more information on this upcoming apocalypse.

Well, I did get something. I got coordinates. I won't share them just yet, as I am working with a professor now to figure out what they mean. Once I figure them out, I will get back to you all with more information.

Then in the evening when I was preparing to make another vlog, I received many emails and urgent messages from a super-fan of mine, Amber, who wanted to share a ghost encounter they just went through recently.

So, along with the vlog I asked them to tell me what happened. The short of it is, they were sleeping in their bed when they felt someone touching them. When they looked to see who it was, there was no one there.

This only confirms my fears, that the ghosts are beginning to follow and harass the average human. Somehow, I need to work a bit quicker.

If you, or any of your loved ones experience a ghost or the supernatural in any way, I urge you to reach out to me. The more I know, the better I can protect us.

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